For over 470 years scholars ignored the eyewitness accounts of a European colony on the South Atlantic Coast (now USA), named Duhare, because these people milked dairy deer and made cheese. No one bothered to find out that the Irish DID have dairy deer and that there were multiple accounts of these deer-milking Irishmen leaving Ireland in the late 1100s and 1200s because of religious persecution.
The People of One Fire became interested in the story of Duhare because Duhare was a province of a proto-Creek kingdom, Parasicora, (Palachicola ~Chicora) based in present day Savannah, GA. The descendants of Duhare joined the Creek Confederacy in the early 1700s. There is evidence of contacts between the Mayas and the ancestors of the Creek Indians in Georgia.The Mayas mined minerals in Georgia for many centuries.
Christian Norse explorers traversed over parts of New England and the Midwest, plus a century later some Knights Templar refugees left northwestern Europe for North America, after the order was brutally persecuted by the Vatican and King Louis in France.
Gaelic Christians were immigrating to Whitmannsland across the Atlantic Ocean, an Anglo-Norman baron, Richard de St. Clair was invading the lands of the Norse-Irish and Deer People in southeastern Ireland.
St. Clair was a former Crusader and a patron of the Knights Templar. Many of his relatives and ancestors had been in the Order. Even more of his descendants were Knights Templar. In the exact year, 1180 AD, that monastic journals state that a large party of Ossraigh (Deer People) and Norse Irish left Ireland for North America, St. Clair seized a large chunk of their lands and gave it to the Templars. He also appointed a master for the new Irish lodge of the Templars. The family later built the famous Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, which contains many Knights Templar symbols and also the rose, which is the symbol of Mary Magdalene.
Several stone slabs have been found in the northern parts of North America, which contain Norse Runic writing. All can be translated. The most famous of these stones is the Kensington Stone, found in Minnesota. It translates to be a message left by Norse Christians.
